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How do I cancel my Cake account?
How do I cancel my Cake account?

How do I cancel my subscription?

Elin Frid avatar
Written by Elin Frid
Updated over a week ago

Before you proceed with cancelling your subscription, see here on how to export your data. When you have exported the data you need, simply follow the steps below to cancel your subscription:

  1. Head to Company in the main menu and go to Settings

  2. In the top menu to the right, click on billing

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the billing history and click on the text that says: 'To delete your account permanently, click here to close your account yourself'


  4. In the next step, select either Cancel & delete the account or if you would like to chat with the team select Chat to customer success.

  5. If selecting Cancel & delete system will prompt you to Pause your subscription for 3 months, or proceed with cancelling your subscription.

  6. Select the reason for cancelling and pop in any extra feedback on your experience using Cake if you're feeling up for it! 😊
    We should also mention that cancelling your subscription will revoke all user access to your account, including for all employees, stakeholders & investors.


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