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Reset Password

If you forgot your password or need to change your password, here is how to reset it.

Shannon Griffin avatar
Written by Shannon Griffin
Updated over 4 months ago

If you’ve forgotten your password or need to change it, follow these steps:

1. On the login page, input your email and click 'Continue.'

2. At the bottom of the page, select 'Reset Password.'

3. Go to your inbox, find the reset email and enter the 6-digit verification code on Cake.

Not receiving the reset password email?

If you don’t receive the reset email, it’s possible that you originally signed up using Google or LinkedIn. In that case, try logging in with one of those options instead.

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, you can sign up again using the email address where your equity offer or invitation was sent, and create a new password.

Need More Help?
If none of the above solutions are working please reach out to the support team and we can check what's going on! 🍰

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